The Journey

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

On the way to work this morning my son sang me a song:

"Oh we live on Earth,
The Earth is our planet.
Earth is the only planet,
That has all the stuff we need.

The Earth is our planet,
It's the only one we can live on,
In our Galaxy..." (and he went on and on similarly)

I don't get where that came from. It's so interesting to hear what kids think about. We do talk about planets, especially since the sad demise of Pluto as our 9th planet. You might remember that Pluto has a special place in our hearts:
Our Story of PLUTO
But we haven't talked about planets at all in the last few days...

Also, a bit of bragging to follow.

While camping last week, I was playing BrainQuest with Declan. I had found a set of 1st grade cards at a garage sale and I was curious about how many of the questions he could answer. Most surprising was his correct answer to the following question (and honestly, I couldn't have answered the question correctly before my 8th grade science student teaching stint)

Q: Which star is closest to the planet Earth?
A: The Sun

He really does retain so much information; they really are sponges!


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