The Journey

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

A Very Bionicle Christmas

Please excuse the fuzzy photo's my Dad was in charge of pictures this year :) Also I think my Mom's Sony camera is biting the dust. For the THIRD time...why does she keep buying Sony!!

This Boy can build!!!
Christmas loot. Yes, it is a lot of Bionicles, but that's all he likes to do. We spent the whole day building.

It's been a good Christmas. The month flew by. School started up today, but I'm avoiding going back to work for the week if I can help it. Today we're building a huge K'nex tower, photos coming.


  • He REALLY loves those things. They are the coolest toys. You are addicted too! Admit it. :)

    By Blogger Christy, at 9:25 PM  

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