The Journey

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Crazy Stuff

As for the Pool

Declan and two of his friends said that yesterday was "the best day of their lives!" They had sooo much fun! We squeezed 6 kids in that pool, then I went and bought a bigger version. You can see Declan trying it out last night.

As for the Panic

My hustling paid off! I have TWO interviews next week at both middle schools in my district - wowsa. Let me say ----I'm ecstatic. I met many a sub this year that said they couldn't even land one interview after subbing all year. I am most thankful for some wonderful teachers who have stepped forward on my behalf to talk with administration about me. It would be amazing if I landed a job in this district as it is one of the best in the state. It has fantastic community support. Now, I just need to work my butt off this weekend getting prepared. The interview process is fairly long and complex as far as interviews go: a "panel" interview, timed written assignment, and fianlly -you actually teach a lesson to the interview panel!

I'm also hustling to put together application packets for another local district that just listed about 10 new middle school jobs. It seems like it takes hours to put together applications for each district. Oh how I miss the days of simply submitting a resume.


  • Great to hear about the interviews! I look forward to hearing about them.

    Looking forward to our summer visit!


    By Blogger Christy, at 3:48 PM  

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