The Journey

Thursday, June 14, 2007


So..I heard "officially" that I've been hired! YEAH! Have I told you the best part? 6th Grade!! 6th graders are the best!!! I couldn't have asked for a better job. When I told Declan he said "That's good, I know you like 6th graders." I then wondered if he really knew what he was saying, so I asked "What do I think about 8th Graders?" Declan" Ooooh, they're really mean kids." :) I guess he does listen. And for the record, it's only a few select 8th graders that are a pain, but they can make your life pretty miserable!
I actually ended up calling the Principal today for information. Another Principal called me to come interview tomorrow. I couldn't turn down an interview without having a job locked down so I accepted the interview and then called my Principal. I told her about the phone call and she proclaimed "You already have a job! And you don't want to work for the X school district anyway." I really like this Principal. I am just sooo blessed. Great district (seriously one of the best in the state), no gang or serious drug problems, and a great Principal!!!
It also looks like I'll be subject specific, which means I'll be teaching two classes a day of math and science. By the way, I already have my classroom assignment for next year. The middle school is actually in my old high school. I think it's a little ironic that I'll be teaching math right next door to the classroom where a math teacher told me (along with every other student in the room) that I was a loser because I was in remedial math. That was my freshman year- 1982! Life takes you in interesting directions doesn't it?
I am so excited to be teaching math, particularly with my background.


  • You said it right, Mistalyn. You are blessed.

    Congratulations! Have a great next school year in your very own classroom!

    By Blogger He who wears the most black wins., at 8:41 PM  

  • Thanks. I learned several years ago, that God really does have the best plan.

    Although when the plan turns out to be this wonderful, I just sit in amazement.

    By Blogger One Boys Mom, at 8:51 PM  

  • Congratulations Miss Lambatten!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:58 AM  

  • This is fantastic!!! Congratulations a million times over!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    By Blogger Casey, at 1:25 PM  

  • Big congrats!!!!!!!! (Me next please?)


    By Blogger em1__mak2, at 1:57 PM  

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