The Journey

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Five "weird" Things or "I've been tagged!"

1. This is how I like my eggs cooked. I know it looks even worse because of the photo (believe me, it would look better on a green or blue plate). I like lots of cheese on my eggs an then I cook and cook and cook. I like that chewy/crunchy texture.

2. I have an issue with fingernails. Unless they are painted and pedicured I like them SHORT. Whenever I babysit for kids, or Declan has a sleepover, I check out the kids nails and usually cut them.

3. I hover. Yes, I am a "hoverer" when using public toilets. I learned this from my mother. I remember the day it started. I was shopping with my mom and I went to the bathroom. I saw the following writing on the walls:

It won't help
if you stand on the seat,
because the California crabs,
can jump TEN feet.

I was confused (as any 8 year old would be) I proceeded to ask my Mom, much to her embarrassment, as we were shopping. Once she explained it, my days of sitting were OVER!

4 & 5 will come later..


At starbucks was O.K. He seemed like a nice guy. When I showed up, he was waiting with coffee and I wondered if that was good or bad (Vs. letting me order) Once I set down and took a sip I remembered what had happened to Catherine Willows in the last two episodes of CSI...I was a little nervous and didn't drink much more coffee. He did seem nice, his world seems to revolve around his son (as much a it can), but we'll see. He emailed me and wants to get together again, I'll keep you updated. At this point there is still a lot to learn ...

Off to get my boy...and my cousin is coming along to discreately serve my X with a court summons (more on that to come).


  • Okay, I might be equally strange because none of those things made me think that you were strange. What gives. I have the same fingernail and hover thing, although I guess that egg thing IS a little weird.

    ;) I think it's chivalrous that he ordered your coffee for you!

    By Blogger He who wears the most black wins., at 4:06 PM  

  • I don't know - I think it's kinda weird (and honestly sort of creepy) to have a complete (well - pretty much a complete) stranger order your coffee. What if you really liked a specific kind? Man I would hate to have to drink something I really didn't enjoy (I'm picky about my coffee...)

    I don't think your three thigns are all that weird either. Dig deeper. *grinning*

    By Blogger Casey, at 6:24 PM  

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