The Journey

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Is that who I think it is??

Today I subbed at a local high school. While killing time I was looking at photos of staff on the wall. I was surprised to find a photo of my 11th grade English teacher on the wall. His title? Principal. I noticed that 'Jim Jones' wasn't the current Principal so I inquired as to his where abouts. I discovered that he was just hired at an Assistant Superintendent in a another local district.

I was surprised to see that he had moved along so nicely in his career. Here are a few memories I have of Jim Jones - English Teacher:

A) His was a first or second year teacher when I had him. He was the classic guys guy who coached many sports and sat reading a paper most of the class peri0d. I actually have no memory of him really teaching anything. Then again that was 22 years ago. He is the only teacher in my high school career that I remember thinking that he was actually a "bad" teacher. Even at 16 I thought "why in the heck is my ENGLISH teacher having us watch movies of classic books and then writing reports? Shouldn't reading be a part of an English curriculum?" I recall seeing a lot of videos in his class. He was definitely a nice guy, but I remember thinking that as an educator, that he was pretty lame. Basically I would say he seemed very unmotivated.

B) By the end of the year, rumors abounded that he was dating one of the girls he coached. Rumors can be just that rumors...but I heard that he was legitimately dating this same girl once she graduated. The last I heard they were married. That was WAY before the name Mary Kay meant anything.

Now I'm curious and I'm going to try and find out the name of his wife....Anyway, it was just pretty surprising. I just didn't see him as the ambitious type, or as any type of leader. People change I suppose. Then again, $$$ is always a good motivator.


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