The Journey

Thursday, November 02, 2006

The Bad News Is

That cheap, self-indulgent, &*$%*^ who is my X just filed her papers and finally disclosed her income. She is making an additional 800.00 a month, and according to HER worksheets/ math she should now be paying LESS in child support. How does that work out?!?!?

Then again she also claims that I should be working as a full-time contracted teacher and attached a list of 20 jobs near her home town that she claims I am qualified to teach...I am actually only certified to teach 7 of those jobs, 4 of which are SUBSTITUTE TEACHER positions...exactly what I am doing for which she claims I am underemployed. The percentage of first year teachers that get a contract right out of the box is something like 50%.

Oh yeah she also states that if a person works full-time at the minimum wage of 7.63 per hour they would make 1,831 a month. Can someone explain that math for me? That figures to be 5.9 weeks..which month has 5.9 weeks in it?

BUT (you knew there was a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow didn't you?) She DID bring me a little souvenir from her trip to Italy - Swiss Chocolate. Wow, she is SO considerate.


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