The Journey

Friday, October 06, 2006

Sixth Graders Rock

I've had the best job the last 2 days. 6th grade. Kids that age are pretty fun to teach. Of course there is a still a knuckle-head or two, but funny and sweet by in large.

There was this one kid who I'll call Jake that is very interesting. He is hard to figure out and seems much older than his peers. He acts like a high schooler, but in a good way. He is a pretty smart kid, but always off task and VERY social. Always needs more clarification for assignments, can NEVER go right to work. He literally swaggers around the class room, even dancing freely. Weird. I've never seen so much natural confidence in a kid so young. He wears AC/DC and Metallica shirts. His mom works for the city and his Dad works for a big computer firm. He is an only child. On his way to the bathroom this A.M. he told me "Peace Out, Girl Scout".

I will sub in this class for 2 more days, it is wonderful to have a long assignment with one class.

Declan is gone for the weekend and I'm going to try to organize and clean. I hate my house right now. Dad is working upstairs daily and it looks like we might be moving up towards the end of the month.


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