The Journey

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

I never got around to posting about it, but I subbed 2 other days last week. The last two days, I was in an 8th grade classroom, and at the high school. It is just amazing how difficult those 8th graders are (well, at this one particular school). I only worked 1/2 day, which is 3.5 hours. I sent 4 kids from each of my 2 classes to the office. One kid even told me to go to the office and then declared "war" on me. They were all suppose to be taking a test, so of course they were not allowed to talk AT ALL. After warning them 3 or 4 times, I would say "The next person who talks will need to go to the office" I would then have to send 2 kids and then the class would get that I was serious and settle down. The kid who delcared war on me was such a smarta$%*. After I said I'd be sending the next person to the office, he pipped up and said "I'll go." I said, "Okay, to the office." He looks at me completely surpirsed and said "really?". I said "Yes." He began to argue and become pissed then declared "WAR" as he left the room.

I saw the principal after school and said "so, I sent a lot of kids your way today." He simply replied "Yes, you did" I got the feeling he wasn't so happy about it, actually he came by to check on my class after the first 4 kids were sent out. I explained, that they were taking a test and I'd given several warnings. As a sub, pretty much the only thing you can do is send kids out of the classroom. If the principals can't support that, then too bad. One of the other 8th grade teachers came into my class at the start of the day complaining that his kids had "given his sub hell the day before" and added "these kids need to have some consequence for their behavior" Really, DUH!?? Unfortunately it's really up the the Principals to support the subs and it seems like they really don't like to be bothered with it. Oh well, I don't plan on applying for a job in this district, and I'm only willing to take so much crap.

I start my student teaching on Monday. I will be teaching 8th grade math and science, but in another district. The eight graders at the other school are angels compared to the district that I sub in.

So, I guess that wraps up my subbing for last week. Once again, my spell check isn't working, so there is no telling how many errors I have...


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