So, with student teaching approaching very rapidly, I'm feeling a bit sad about having less time with my son. I also realized just now, that he has been a lot easier to deal with. About the time I started blogging, his emotions were just out of control. He would cry several times a day, getting angry and upset at the smallest/wierdest things. Of course if you've been reading my blog you know about that. I'm happy to report that he is back to his old self. He still gets upset, but much less often and I can reason with him.
I'm wondering if I'll sub the next two days. I'm torn because it is my last two opportunities to earn money for the next several months, but also two more opportunities to have some good quality time with my son. I'm thinking maybe I'll work one day.

Saw "Walk the Line" this last weekend. Amazing acting in that movie. If Joaquin and Reese don't get Oscars I'm going to be amazed. Not only was their acting top notch, but boy can they sing! Phoenix really sounded like Johnny Cash. Very good movie.
I also saw Brokeback, which was a touching movie with great acting. I was kind of conflicted about the story. Because of my own history, I really don't agree with the themes of cheating and the whole 'grass is always greener' longing for something better/more satisfying. Ultimately all relationships are difficult, great, challenging, exciting, boring etc.. I believe that what makes a relationship work is simply choosing someone who is basically (relatively) a good/stable/emotionally healthy person and being committed to making it work. Life is filled with highs and lows, disappointments, sadness, frustration, excitement, love, anger, happiness, and confusion in no specific order for unspecified durations. Why do people think relationships will be any different? I don't believe they will, I just think you will feel deeply satisfied if you make it to the end of your journey with the same partner you committed to early along the way. Think of all the history of success and defeats that you will share. Okay, rambling here...
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