The Journey

Saturday, April 08, 2006

"NEXT ________"

What is with the expression "Next _____" (insert any day here)

I sent an email to my supervisor at school to check and see when he would be observing me. He replied "Next Monday at 12:45. Does that mean Monday the 10th or Monday the 17th. I never really get that expression. If it's Friday and someone says "Next Friday" I know what they mean. If they say "Next Week" that also makes sense. When it's Friday and they say "Next Monday" it only confuses me.

Am I the only person who gets confused by this? It he meant this Monday, April 10th. Wouldn't he say "This Monday"

Update on GWA: Things have been much better with the girls. They seem to be playing some interesting little game of "Super Student". They are always wanting to read in class or participate in some way. I don't know what is going on, and I really don't care...I'm just glad they are not a problem. Recently one of them even "defended" me when the class was complaining. I had given them an assignment that was due at the end of class, but I let them work anywhere in the room with anyone they wanted to, and listen to their I-Pods. Towards the end of class one of the guys started to complain out loud about having to finish it and one of the GWA's said "Hey, she let us listen to our music and work with our friends, shut up." This next week will be my last week with them on a daily basis/

As for Curves, I still LOVE it. I've been 4 times now since I joined. That's pretty good considering I was out of town for 3 nights. My plan is to go everyday after I get out of school.

I think that pretty much updates any ongoing issues in my life.


  • Wow - could it be you've finally won the GWA's respect? That would figure since it is your last week with them.

    I get what you are saying about "next Monday," or whatever day. I've experienced the same confusion. I go so far in emails at work when I say things like "this" or "next" ----(insert day) to then specify the date. Cuts down on the confusion!

    BTW, great vacation photos. Seems like a wonderful trip. Isn't it just amazing watching our little boys growing up and figuring out the world? It seems to only get better (other than the occassional side-track into a temper tantrums or such). Sorry the play date did not work out for you. I'd love to see you two some time. I bet the boys would be a kick to watch together.

    By Blogger Dakota, at 12:23 PM  

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