The Journey

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Date Report

and other questions answered (Casey and Cristen)

On the whole "dating a guy" thing. My history is that I've always dated men/guys/boys with one exception, my X.

I've always been a Tomboy, and growing up in Elementary school all my friends were guys. I started 7th grade and suddenly wanted to start kissing those guys:)

I've had close relationships with women, but usually only one Best Friend. Well, that's changed as an adult, but that's irrelevant I guess.

In college everyone THOUGHT I was gay. I was irritated by the assumption. I became great friends with a lesbian (shout out Nel) and became O.K. with the whole gay thing in general. After a while I started to wonder I guess... I then realized I had a serious "Crush" on my best friend. (shout out to Christy) and thought maybe I was gay. Now I think that we just sometimes get "crushes" on people in general, and women can definitely form strong relationships with other women and early in a friendship, that might sometimes be described as an emotional crush. (Nicole and I were just talking about this--shout out to Coley).

So, I've had lots of boyfriends, and even been engaged once (I think Troy reads this blog, shout out to him). My issue was this: the men I was physically attracted to, I was never emotionally attracted to and vice versa. So I gave the whole relationship with a woman thing a chance and here I am 12 years later. By the way, I've broke up with many a man because they just were "too nice", now I wonder what my life would have been like had I married one of those "Nice" guys.

Why such a long relationship with a woman? My theory is that I happened to be dating a woman when I figured out what makes a relationship work - COMMITMENT. You just have to chose someone who you have fun with, who you respect and simply be committed. All relationships will ebb and flow for months or years at a time. You simply have to be committed to doing the work to make it last.

So, I hope that clarifies things. I still meet women who I adore, but if I could go out and have casual sex (which I can't due to my guilt/conscious/morals) it would definitely be with a man.

Now about "Crush Guy"

He is just as wonderful in person. He is a super nice guy, funny, and very interesting to talk to. (As a quality, funny is over rated in my book, but I can appreciate the positive, easy-going aspect of humor) Our date went 4.5 hours and consisted of a bowling adventure, a wonderful dinner at a local German restaurant, which even included a mini lesson on graphing linear equations :)

So far, the only thing I'm suspicious about is that the may have been less than truthful about his height, but I can definitely live with that:)

Next up, is a hockey game tonight.

So, I'm going to cancel my date with guy #2. He's nice, but just not a match for me. Even in the casual dating world I can't juggle 2 guys. Seriously I even get confused about whose parents are divorced, married, who is from do serial daters do it?


  • Yay!!!!

    I am SO glad that it went so well. I had a feeling you would really connect--especially since you already had connected over the phone so much. So wonderful. I will keep you in my prayers as you let go and enjoy this next "journey".

    God wants bigger things for you than you even want for yourself.

    p.s. Thanks for the shout-out. ;)

    By Blogger He who wears the most black wins., at 8:58 AM  

  • Well now - that's kinda funny. I,too, was at the bowling place near the "local German restaurant last night. Not that I would have been able to spot you at the bowling place - CRAZY busy there. Wow.

    Glad you had a good time.

    By Blogger Casey, at 12:59 PM  

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