The Journey

Sunday, November 05, 2006

We've Moved!!

Into our new space. It's HUGE. I really didn't think we'd make it in yesterday. I ended up doing more painting (added more color to the end walls), wiring the plugs and installing the lights, seaming the carpet. We were in at 9pm last night. Now the next step is to move up Declan's toys and some other furniture from downstairs.

Then of course there is the remodel of the main floor...but it's so nice to have so much more space.

On the down side, Declan spiked a fever in the night. He's had a bad cough for a week, so we went to urgent care this am. Bronchitis and infection in both eyes. Poor kiddo has been very mellow today. He was soooo sad because he couldn't go to church this morning and we cancelled a play date. He said the ONLY thing that would make him happy was a new Lego toy. Guess where we went after a visit to the Dr. and drugstore...


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