The Journey

Friday, November 17, 2006

I call it herding puppies.

That is how I would describe Wednesday and Thursday. I spent both days with two different 1st grade classes (strange coincidence, I rarely see elementary jobs). Really a first for me I guess. I know people often talk about herding cats, but I think herding puppies is more accurate. Cats scratch and run from you in all different directions; puppies whine and jump on you and lick can barely move at times from the weight of it all.

I walk into a class of these kids and sigh thinking "They are so sweet and sooo cute, I think I'd love teaching this age!" Ten minutes go by and you can't get them off you. I don't mean that physically necessarily, I mean emotionally and verbally. I suddenly remember why I'm NOT drawn to this age.

I'll call it the rule of 5's :

There are always at least five kids standing around you in five different directions, only five inches away. They all have at least five things to tell you.

"Teacher, my favorite color is blue."
"Do you like my _______(insert anything here)"
"Teacher I went to a circus once"
"Teacher, you need to _______ (insert almost anything here), like our regular teacher does"
"Do you like my _______(insert anything here)"
"I wore my Dora pajamas last night"
"My grandma's sister died, and my aunt's sister died too."
"I like apples"
"Do you like fruit?"
"What is your name?"
"Do you like my _______(insert anything here)"

"Teacher, jimmy just looked at me"

"Teacher, Jimmy just took my______"

Seriously, by the time I was off work, I felt like I had spent 3 days with those kids. Not that I doubted it, but I really believe in ADD after spending the day with Brad and Brandy. I can't even begin to image what's wrong with Jimmy, who when faced with having to write a sentence falls to the floor on his back, eyes closes, tongue halfway out his mouth. Completely unresponsive. (luckily the Principal warned me.."Jimmy has problems, we don't know what's wrong and we're trying to get Mom to take him to the Dr. He will often just go under his desk and not talk at all. Call me and we'll drag him out of your class if that happens.) Maybe the falling on the floor thing was new?

After those two days, I was wondering what Kindergarten is like. I don't intend to ever find out, all I can say is - God Bless Kindergarten Teachers!

Today I was back in my comfort zone -7th and 8th grade :)


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