D: "I know who gets to go to Heaven"
Me: "Oh." (Kind of half listening)
D: "Angels and Jesus and God."
Me: "And every person who believes in God will go to Heaven too."
D: (Thinks seriously for a bit) "Why only people who believe in God get to go to Heaven?"
Me: No answer. I immediately go to my computer to transcribe this conversation...so I could get it down word for word. Frankly, I don't know how to answer that question. I've always wondered about that myself. Do ALL Christians, Jews (Marla), Catholics (Nicole) ect... go to Heaven EVEN the "Bad" ones. Do all the really good people who haven't embraced God really go to Hell. Is this NORMAL to have a four year old already asking this question?! I don't answer, because I'm stumped AND busy typing.
Declan continues.
D: "Do you know God is the ruler of Kings?"
Me: Just listening and typing
D: "Do you know how Kings work? God tells the King and then he tells another King and they all tell each other."
Me: "Oh" (I have to acknowledge the kid)
D: "Why does Mom (my X, his other mom) say she believes in Budda when her doesn't believe in Religion? Why does she say 'Namaste, Budda.' ??
Me: "Well, because _____ (her girlfriend) believes in Budda. She wants you to know about other religions."
D: "Why does she want me to believe what SHE believes"
Me: "I think she is just afraid of you believing something she doesn't believe."
D: "Well I believe in EVERY religion, even no religion."
Me: "Oh, O.K."
Thankfully the conversation ends. However I'm pretty freaked out. I worry that Declan is feeling torn by this whole religion thing. I don't know where it's coming from. I haven't taken him to church in...months. Which I do feel bad about, since he is gone everyother weekend I want to get him into a Wednesday night program. I do want that to be a consistent part of his life. We pray at meals, sometimes. I talk about God, but not extensively. Mostly to answer questions and say "That's the way go made Giraffes, with really long necks.."
My X recently talked with me about the religion thing, she is worried that my Mom is pushing it onto Declan too much (not that I can see). This has me wondering how much SHE (my X) talks to him about religion.
Clearly Declan thinks about God a lot.
At bedtime I told him that no two people think exactly alike, and that no two people believe the exact same thing about God and religion. I said "I don't believe the exact same thing as granny or Poppa, you and I won't believe the same thing about religion." He acted distressed and said "I want to believe what you believe." UGH!! I was trying to make him feel better. I said that no two people agree on EVERYTHING or thought the same way. I said that it was O.K. to believe different things and that he would have to decide for himself what he believed (pretty much what I've always said about religion among other things). I've always told him that he will need to decide things for himself, that he makes his own choices. Realistically I believe as a parent that we can only force limited behavior on our kids, they still decide, and then get punished or rewarded for that behavior. Even in parenting control is a bit of an illusion..
Anyway. This sucks and I'm sad that Declan is conflicted.
By the way. Two days ago in the car, out of the blue he says:
"Mom, is the reason you control me so that I'll be a good Daddy someday?"
I ask what he means by "Control"
He replies "when to get up in the morning..."
I told him that sometimes I tell him what he needs to do because we have responsiblities like getting to work on time. Other times I tell him what to do, like he can only have one cookie, because I'm trying to help him make good choices.